Friday, April 20, 2007

Degraft massacre

For various reasons, beeing the Pereskiopsis stock loosing all its leaves, or to avoid the scions to pup too wildly, I decided to degraft some of them. They are approx. 6-7 months old now:

After laying on that dry soil for 3-4 weeks, they should be ready to get rooted & potted. The main head of the biggest one on the top-right, is measuring 4.2 cm..

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Grafts revisited

Here is an update from previously posted grafts:

Eriosyce sandillon. I consider these quite successfull. Pereskiopsis grafts tends to make the scion produce pups, often too wild, but these can be removed before rooting.

Astrophytum myriostigma "onzuka": I decided to degraft these. They got a bit elongiated from the not so very intense light in my growbox, combined with wooly surface that prevent them from getting enough of that light. They will be better off on their own roots in ful sun, at least I hope so.

Astrophytum asterias "superkabuto". Not so sure about the look of these, wish some of the pups werent there. Still I think they got potential.

Finally, L. Williamsii "decipiens" from this post:

Compare dates, and you will have an idea how fast they grow..